Monday, March 2, 2015

DBM 384 Complete Course ( Week 1-5 ) Entire Course

DBM 384 Complete Course ( Week 1-5 ) Entire Course
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DBM 384 Complete Course ( Week 1-5 ) Entire Course
DBM 384 Complete Course

DBM 384 Assignment Mobile Database Paper

DBM 384 Individual Assignment Spatial Presentation

DBM 384 Learning Team Mt Rushmore Database Breakdown

DBM 384 Team Assignment CIF Expanded

DBM 384 Week 1 Complete DQs

(A) What is the difference between a general database and a special purpose database?

(B) In the readings, why is Paul Tallon concerned with the following comment: informationtechnology alignment remains a top priority for business and IT executives

Participation questions

(A) What is the future of the Relational Database? 
( B) What is the difference between OO and Relational?
(C ) Relational databases eliminate redundant data records so information is collected in one record for a single primary key item within the database.

DBM 384 Week 1 Assignment Database Matrix

DBM 384 Week 2 Course Description

DBM 384 Week 2 DQs

(A) Explain how Structured Query Language (SQL) is used with temporal databases?

(B) What is your opinion in regards to using time as a key component to a database?

(C) How are temporal databases related to BI?

(D) What type of database is used in this case?

(E) What type of key would a temporal db use?

DBM 384 Week 2 DQs

(A) Explain how temporal databases are used in business?

(B) What is your opinion in regards to using time as a key component to a database?

(C) How are temporal databases related to BI?

(D) What type of database is used in this case?

(E) What type of key would a temporal db use?

DBM 384 Week 2 Individual Assignment Temporal Databases,
 DBM 384 Week 2 Learning Team Instructions Specialized Database

 DBM 384 Week 2 Learning Team Instructions Specialized Database Presentation

DBM 384 Week 3 Course Description

DBM 384 Week 3 DQs

(A) Explain how spatial databases are used in business.

(B) A spatial database is designed to things that are in space, that can consist of lines and or points.  This sounds like a map to me, but does it actually store a map?

(C) Is it really worth the effort and the cost of the massive storage to provide spatial databases technologies to end users?

DBM 384 Week 3 DQ 2

(A) Explain the importance of indexing with spatial databases.

(B) A spatial database is designed to things that are in space, that can consist of lines and or points.  This sounds like a map to me, but does it actually store a map?

(C) Is it really worth the effort and the cost of the massive storage to provide spatial databases technologies to end users?

DBM 384 Week 4 Course Description

DBM 384 Week 4 DQ 1

(A) Demonstrate how an Extensible Markup Language (XML) Database is used.

(B) What are the advantages to XML?

(C) Does XML have any other functions?

(D) As storage gets cheaper, technology improves, how long before DVDs and CDs are a thing of the past?  Before you say I am nuts, check out, buying movies virtually and streaming them to watch.  Wouldn’t you like that cabinet that is chucked full of DVDs back?

(E) Does XML have any other functions?

DBM 384 Week 4 DQ 2

(A) Explain how multimedia databases are used in business.

(B) What are the advantages to XML?

(C) Does XML have any other functions?

(D) As storage gets cheaper, technology improves, how long before DVDs and CDs are a thing of the past?  Before you say I am nuts, check out, buying movies virtually and streaming them to watch.  Wouldn’t you like that cabinet that is chucked full of DVDs back?

(E) Does XML have any other functions?

DBM 384 Week 4 Learning Team Executive Summary Memo Draft

DBM 384 Week 5 Course Description

DBM 384 Week 5 DQ 1

(A) What is a data warehouse and how if it used?

DBM 384 Week 5 DQ 2

(A) What is data mining?

DBM 384 Week 5 Individual Assignment Data Warehouses and Data Mining Paper
 DBM 384 Week 5 Learning Team Specialized Database Executive Summary

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