Monday, March 2, 2015

LDR 531 Entire Course

LDR 531 Entire Course
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LDR 531 Entire Course
Please print a copy of this syllabus for handy reference.
Whenever there is a question about what assignments are due, please remember this syllabus is considered to be the ruling document.
COURSE TITLE: Organizational Leadership
REQUIRED READING:  Students are required to read all materials available at the rEsource site for this course on
General Course Description
See Course Description in the rEsource materials or module for this course.
Course Objectives
See Course Objectives in the rEsource materials or module for this course.
The Online Weekly Schedule
Electronic weeks begin on Tuesday and end on Monday.
Day 1 – Tuesday
Day 2 – Wednesday
Day 3 – Thursday
Day 4 – Friday
Day 5 – Saturday
Day 6 – Sunday
Day 7 – Monday
Where to Go to Class: Your Course Forums
Main: This is the main forum for the class and is where discussion is conducted. It has read-and-write access for everyone.
Chat-Room: This is a read-and-write access forum. It is designed as a place to discuss issues not related to the course content. This is the forum to which we will send our bios.
Course-Materials: This is a read-only forum, which means you can read messages here but cannot send any. This is where I will post the course syllabus and materials.
Learning-Team-A, B, C, D and E: These five Learning Team forums will be used as workrooms for the learning teams. You will be assigned to one of these learning teams.
Individual Forum: You will see one forum with your name on it. This is a private forum, shared only by you and me, the facilitator. Your classmates won’t have access to this forum. This is where you will post some of your individual assignments, and where I will post your feedback. You can also ask questions here. However, if you have general questions about instructions of assignments, please post those in the Main forum, since other students may benefit by that exchange as well.

Please see the attendance policies included in the first message posted in the Main forum.
Participation is very important online. You will be expected to participate 4 days a week in several different discussions and to contribute at least two substantive discussion messages on each of those 4 days. This is a required part of your grade. Participation consists of notes you send above and beyond graded assignments. This generally means the messages you send as replies to messages from your classmates and me.
Please note that both quantity and quality are important considerations when it comes to participation. For example, a message which says simply, “I agree,” does not constitute participation, because it does not add anything of substance to the discussion.
In order to earn full participation points, you must add something of substance to the discussion 4 out of 7 days per week—this would consist of new ideas, your perspectives, pointed follow-up questions, etc. You will find it is much easier to keep up with an Online class when you are logging in and participating regularly.
Only posts in the Main classroom forum will count towards your class participation score.
Participation and Discussion Question Grading
Discussion question responses will count towards the class participation requirement.
Weekly Summaries
Weekly summaries will be required in this course and counted as class participation.
Final Week Requirements
Discussion question responses will be required during the final week of the course.
Expectations for Discussion Question Responses
Discussion question responses should be at least 200-300 words. For discussion question responses in the Main forum, please post responses to the threads provided. To respond, highlight the appropriate thread, click on Reply, type your response, and send. Please do not start a new thread for the weekly discussion questions in the Main forum.
Unlike your formal written assignments, I do not require that your discussion question responses adhere to specific formatting requirements. However, please make sure to proofread carefully. Grammar and spelling errors may impact the grading.
I expect your discussion question responses to reflect critical thought. Whenever possible, please try to relate the course content to real-world applications from your work experience.
Please do not use attachments in the Main forum. Post DQ responses and weekly summaries (if required) in the body of OLS messages. Please post formal assignments in your Individual forum as attachments–Microsoft® Word documents or PowerPoint® slides.
Learning Teams
University of Phoenix students are expected to work effectively in diverse groups and teams to achieve tasks. They must collaborate and function well in team settings as both leaders and followers. They should respect human diversity and behave in a tolerant manner toward colleagues and peers.
Several of the assignments in this class will be completed in Learning Teams of four to six students. If you experience difficulties working with your team, you are expected to resolve them within the team. Complete a Peer Evaluation to assess the contributions of each member of your Learning Team and post it at the end of this course.
Because Learning Team projects are outcome-based, all members of your Learning Team will earn the same grade for Learning Team projects. However, I reserve the right to report different grades for different Learning Team members if I see a substantial imbalance in individual contribution.
Learning Teams should provide a brief summary of any communication held outside the forum. Therefore, if you hold conference calls, work in a real-time chat room, or get together outside the OLS (Online Learning System) environment in another way, please post a log, transcript, or summary in the Learning Team forum. Further, do not use any of these supplementary communication tools unless everyone on your Learning Team agrees to the method and to the schedule.
Late Assignments
Late assignments will be penalized with a 10% grade deduction for each day late. Deadlines will be defined as 11:59 p.m. MST. Assignments submitted more than four days late will not be accepted. If you know you will be offline the day an assignment is due, please make sure to post it early. Anytime you feel that you might be falling behind in the course, it is best to contact me. As noted in the first message posted in the Main forum, no assignments can be accepted after the final day of class.
If you have an assignment completed by the deadline but are unable to post it in the forum for technical reasons, you can send it to me by email to demonstrate that it was completed on time. However, you must post the assignment in the forum once that becomes available.
Academic Integrity
By virtue of membership in the University’s academic community, students accept a responsibility to abide by the Student Code of Academic Integrity, which is a part of the Student Code of Conduct. A link to the Code can be found on the Center for Writing Excellence Web site or by logging into eCampus and then clicking the following URL:
Academic Resources
Coursework in this class must uphold the high standards of academic integrity established by the University of Phoenix. Consequently, when you are conducting research for an assignment, the majority of your sources should be peer-reviewed academic journals, such as those you find in the University Library or in the additional readings on the rEsource page for this course.
PLEASE NOTE: Internet searches will often take you to non-academic information resources such as,,,, etc. You may supplement your research with these sources, but keep in mind that the information you find there may not be accurate, since it does not come under a formal oversight or peer-review process.
While you may use and cite non-academic resources such as Wikipedia when working on assignments, you may not rely on them exclusively. The majority of your sources should be peer-reviewed academic journals. Further, remember that you are responsible for the accuracy of any facts you present in your assignments and therefore should confirm the veracity of information you find on non-academic sources through further research.
Confidentiality and Proprietary Information
One of the cornerstones of the University of Phoenix learning model is the practical application of theoretical concepts. You are encouraged to share your personal and professional experiences as a means to integrate knowledge by reflecting on its application. However, it is important to note that we all are bound by confidentiality in this class. To assure that we can have a free and open discussion in which you may elect to discuss your company and its policies and procedures as they apply to the course material, I expect each person to respect the confidentiality of what your classmates are willing to share with us. At the same time, I ask that each of you exercise good judgment in what you choose to share and avoid disclosing non-public or competitively-sensitive information.
It is University of Phoenix policy that students and faculty members must not share present or past employer information that is considered to be proprietary, confidential, company-sensitive, or protected trade secrets. Students are encouraged to examine their organization’s limitations on sharing information externally.
Students and faculty members may appropriately choose to illustrate lessons from their experience that might challenge these boundaries, without identifying specific employers or individuals by name.
If you have any questions about any of the information contained in this syllabus, or about any other aspect of this class, please do not hesitate to ask!

Each week, I will provide grades or scores and comments on assignments within 7 days of when they were due. I will send feedback to your Individual forum. After I send feedback each week, I will post a notification in the Main forum.
Grading Formula
Partial points will be rounded to the nearest full point; for example, 83.4=83 leads to a grade of B-; and 83.5=84 leads to a grade of B.
Point Values for Course Assignments
Individual (70%)

Discussion Questions
Weekly Summary
Examining a Business Failure Paper (Week 1)
Creating a Plan for Positive Influence Paper (Week 2)
Addressing the Challenges of Groups & Teams  Paper (Week 3)
Determining Your Perfect Position Paper (Week 4)
Initiating & Leading Change Paper (Week 5)
Affect Change Paper (Week 6)

Week 1 Assignments
Learning Objectives
See Week 1 objectives listed in the rEsource material or module.
Required Reading
1.      Read Ch. 1 (pp. 2-7) and 2 of Leadership in Organizations, Ch. 1 (pp. 14-24) of Organizational Behavior,  and Ch. 8 of The Strategy Process.
2.      Assignment: Examining a Business Failure Paper

Research a failure that occurred at a large organization such as Tyco, Chrysler/Daimler-Benz, Daewoo, WorldCom, or Enron. In 1,050 words, APA formatted & referenced, describe how specific organizational behavior theories could have predicted or can explain the failure of the company. Compare and contrast the contributions of leadership, management, and organizational structures to the organizational failure.
Due Day 3 (Thursday): Discussion Questions
Due Day 7 (Monday): Weekly Summary
Due Day 7 (Monday): Examining a Business Failure Paper
All Week: Participation: Remember to participate in the class discussions 4 out of 7 days during the week.
Summary of Week 1 Deliverables
Individual or Learning Team
Discussion Questions
Main Forum  
Day 3 (Thursday)
Main Forum
All Week (Tues.-Mon.)
Weekly Summary
Main Forum
Day 7 (Monday)
Examining a Business Failure Paper
Individual Forum
Day 7 (Monday)

Week 2 Assignments
Learning Objectives
See Week 2 objectives listed in the rEsource material or module.
Required Reading
1.       Read Ch. 3, 4, and 6-8 of Organizational Behavior.
2.      Complete the following self-assessments in Week Two on your  page:

  • The DiSC assessment
  • “What’s My Emotional Intelligence Score?” assessment
  • The Values and Attitude Insights assessments
3.      Assignment: Creating a Plan for Positive Influence Paper

Individually complete the three self-assessments. Then meet with your learning team to discuss whatever results you feel comfortable sharing.

Imagine that your learning team has been assigned a large project. Based on what you learned about yourself and your team members through discussion, in 1,050 words, APA formatted & referenced, prepare a plan that would increase the motivation, satisfaction, and performance of your team that can be applied in a business setting. Be sure to address specific differences in attitudes, emotions, personalities, and values that were discovered through your collaboration, as well as how each difference influences behavior. How can those differences be effectively implemented in the plan to influence the team positively?
Due Day 2 (Wednesday): Learning Team Charter – Post in your Individual Forum.
Due Day 3 (Thursday): Discussion Questions
Due Day 7 (Monday): Weekly Summary
Due Day 7 (Monday): Creating a Plan for Positive Influence Paper
All Week: Participation: Remember to participate in the class discussions 4 out of 7 days during the week.
Summary of Week 2 Deliverables
Individual or Learning Team
Learning Team Charter
Individual Forum
Day 2 (Wednesday)
Discussion Questions
Main Forum 
Day 3 (Thursday)
Main Forum
All Week (Tues.-Mon.)
Weekly Summary
Main Forum
Day 7 (Monday)
Creating a Plan for Positive Influence Paper
Individual Forum
Day 7 (Monday)

Week 3 Assignments
Learning Objectives
See Week 3 objectives listed in the rEsource material or module.
Required Reading
1.      Read Ch. 11 (pp. 332-338 and 340-346) of Leadership in Organizations, Ch. 9-11 and 15 of Organizational Behavior, and Ch. 10 of The Strategy Process.

2.      Complete the Williams Institute for Ethics and Management assessments, Ethics Awareness Inventory and Ethical Choices in the Workplace, located in Week Three on your  page.
3.      Assignment: Addressing the Challenges of Groups and Teams Paper

With your team members, develop a training plan to increase the effectiveness of groups and teams through a discussion of the challenges and benefits of group and team communication, collaboration, and conflict management. This is not to be submitted. After developing the plan, individually, in a 1,050 word, APA formatted and referenced paper consider ways to apply the training program your team developed to the organization you researched in Week One. Describe how the program would work in that organization and how it would help or could have helped the organization succeed instead of fail. What unique challenges could the plan address for that organization?
Due Day 3 (Thursday): Discussion Questions
Due Day 7 (Monday): Weekly Summary
Due Day 7 (Monday):  Addressing the Challenges of Groups & Teams Paper
All Week: Participation: Remember to participate in the class discussions 4 out of 7 days during the week.
Summary of Week 3 Deliverables
Individual or Learning Team
Discussion Questions
Main Forum 
Day 3 (Thursday)
Main Forum
All Week (Tues.-Mon.)
Weekly Summary
Main Forum
Day 7 (Monday)
Addressing the Challenges of Groups & Teams Paper
Individual Forum
Day 7 (Monday)

Week 4 Assignments

Learning Objectives
See Week 4 objectives listed in the rEsource material or module.
Required Reading
1.      Read Ch. 1 (pp. 12-19), 3 (pp. 51-62 and 68-76), and 8 of Leadership in Organizations, and Ch. 12 (pp. 409-419) of Organizational Behavior.
2.      Complete the Leadership and Team Skills self-assessments in Week Four on your  page.
3.      Assignment: Determining Your Perfect Position

Imagine that the company you work for is expanding and restructuring. As a valued and veteran employee, you are presented with the unique opportunity of determining the type of leadership position that best suits you. Essentially, you are able to define the role in which you can most benefit the company and be the most successful. To determine your position, you must identify the strengths and weaknesses of your personal leadership style by applying what you learned about yourself through the self assessments. Additionally, compare and contrast the leadership theories in Ch. 1 (pp. 12-19), 3 (pp. 50-68), and 8 of Leadership in Organizations, and Ch. 12 (pp. 409-419) of Organizational Behavior to gain understanding of relevant theories to your approach to leadership. Describe your leadership style and identify jobs within your organization that would fit well with that style. Write in 1,400 words your assignment APA formatted and referenced.
Due Day 3 (Thursday): Discussion Questions
Due Day 7 (Monday): Weekly Summary
Due Day 7 (Monday):  Determining Your Perfect Position
All Week: Participation: Remember to participate in the class discussions 4 out of 7 days during the week.
Summary of Week 4 Deliverables
Individual or Learning Team
Discussion Questions
Main Forum 
Day 3 (Thursday)
Main Forum
All Week (Tues.-Mon.)
Weekly Summary
Main Forum
Day 7 (Monday)
Determining Your Perfect Position
Individual Forum
Day 7 (Monday)

Week 5 Assignments
Learning Objectives
See Week 5 objectives listed in the rEsource material or module.
Required Reading
1.       Read Ch. 10 of Leadership in Organizations , and Ch. 19 of Organizational Behavior.
2.      Assignment: Options for Implementing a Leadership Change

After reviewing the Gene One scenario in Week Four on your  page, imagine that you and your team members are the siblings of the late Don Ruiz. Everyone in the family (your learning team) has a different opinion about the leadership within Gene One and how that leadership should change to implement a successful IPO. At a family (team) meeting, each member should present an analysis of one of the four remaining members of the executive team. Then, as a team, decide the leadership structure and styles that are best suited to move Gene One into the future and what the end vision of Gene One should be.

Individually, In 1,750 words, APA formatted & referenced, write a change strategy for the company that effectively pairs your selected leadership structure and styles with the team’s end vision for Gene One.
Due Day 3 (Thursday): Discussion Questions
Due Day 7 (Monday): Weekly Summary
Due Day 7 (Monday):  Options for Implementing a Leadership Change
All Week: Participation: Remember to participate in the class discussions 4 out of 7 days during the week.
Summary of Week 5 Deliverables
Individual or Learning Team
Discussion Questions
Main Forum 
Day 3 (Thursday)
Main Forum
All Week (Tues.-Mon.)
Weekly Summary
Main Forum
Day 7 (Monday)
Options for Implementing a Leadership Change
Individual Forum
Day 7 (Monday)

Week 6 Assignments
Learning Objectives
See Week 6 objectives listed in the rEsource material or module.
Required Reading
1.       Read Ch. 6 of Leadership in Organizations and Ch. 16 and 17 of Organizational Behavior.
2.      Assignment: Affecting Change

Run the Leadership in Action simulation found on your  page. In 1,750 words, APA formatted & referenced, describe the established methods of control and the current cultures of the department and the organization. Then, make a specific recommendation for restructuring the department that would improve the culture while empowering employees. Within the recommendation, describe which management practices would be most effective and why. Additionally explain how the size and new structure could affect the organization as well as individuals, groups, and teams, and the future of the company.
Due Day 3 (Thursday): Discussion Questions
Due Day 7 (Monday): Weekly Summary
Due Day 7 (Monday):  Affecting Change
All Week: Participation: Remember to participate in the class discussions 4 out of 7 days during the week.
Summary of Week 6 Deliverables
Individual or Learning Team
Discussion Questions
Main Forum 
Day 3 (Thursday)
Main Forum
All Week (Tues.-Mon.)
Weekly Summary
Main Forum
Day 7 (Monday)
Affecting Change
Individual Forum
Day 7 (Monday)

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